Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In this blog I am responding an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change.  In the article "New York is lagging as seas and risks level rise, critics warn" by Mireya Navarro from the New York Times.  New York are moving too slowly to better prepare themselves in case of a flood that could temporarily cause hundreds of thousands of people to be homeless says critics.  According to a 2011 study commissioned by the state 11% of the city streets are in the flood-risk zone.  Preparing the state for a flood costs money, for Con ED to install submersible switches and moving high voltage transformers would cost them $250 million.  The city agencies have taken some steps to minimize flooding around the city, but this project will take time and money. "ConED need $250 million for changes, but can only afford $24 million. $250 million is what, three or four minutes of expenditures in the U.S defense budget? Seem to me national defense is about protecting the country and its citizens from all enemies, foreign or domestic. It appears that climate change is one powerful enemy. TIme to spend the defense budget where it will do the most good." said JM, one of comments posted about this article. I agree with JM because im sure the US government spends billions of dollars to fund a war and $250 million is only a small fraction of that.  Winning a war out there won't make a difference if we can't even take care of ourselves at home.


  1. Hey Dennis,
    Hi my name is Joe from ENG 220 and your professor asked us to help your class with your blogs to prepare you for your CATW. A couple of things I think could’ve helped you were to be a little more clearer with who your sources are. You had great quotations that supported your argument very well but as a reader I had no clue who you were talking about or if that person was even a credible source to your topic. The New York Times is a credible source but then another source of yours was JM, who is JM? Just be clearer with your sources and who they are. Also speak more about the flood and what exactly could happen and what that danger really is. Your argument was very persuasive and you gave good reasoning for your arguments, but you need to be clearer and pace yourself when you are giving sources rather then throw them all out one after another. Another issue was your assignment required you to speak of and introduce yourself which you didn’t do but I did go to your first blog to learn more about you. In all your ideas and argument where there you just need to organize it more and be a little more clearer in this blog for your assignment.

  2. Hey Dennis,
    I am Mahanaj from same class of you Eng 101. I will give some feedback from my limited knowledge. At first, if you introduce yourself and start writing in blog then it will be more cleared
    to readers who are was good though you mentioned source with the writer name. I like the way of you argument with “quotation” and you gave the specific data sequence for supporting to you argument. But you did not mention who is the person of JM. If you mentioned that the source of under the reader pick from New York Time then it would be more specific and strong information. At the end I specially like your finishing touch sentence which is called conclusion that is helped to reader to understand your main argument purpose. Moreover, you mentioned about powerful climate change enemy but you did not explain little bit.
