Monday, December 3, 2012

Mahanaj, Dennis, Rashad

Keyword: Saturation

         A coral reefs life is dependent on its level of saturation in algae. This algae gives it the very diverse and rich coloring so needless to say its very important to the reefs. As the ocean absorbs more and more Co2,the water temperature rises. this in turn causes coral reefs to excrete  algae which in turn make the corals themselves appear white. This lowers the saturation levels in the coral reef, and causes 'bleaching'. The saturation levels are determines by a complex formula scientist developed. It involves multiplying the calcium and carbonate ion concentrations and dividing it by stoichiometric solubility. While this is all informative and enlightening, how do we know for a fact that these figures and formulas are even real? Who's to say these terms hold any relativity to coral reefs saturation or the expulsion of algae. What if there's a another reason why the algae is being released other then the heating of sea water, which isn't affected by Co2. Even Elizabeth Kolbert mentions that "no one is quite sure" (390).

Monday, November 12, 2012

Retweeting favorite quote

I am retweeting a post i find interesting from one of my classmates in ENG 101

yep and it was a new prison too and handmade fancy that. 

I find this very interesting because according to Zeitoun the make shift outdoor prison had taken at least 5 to 6 days to make. So a day after the storm had past them, the officials wasted no time putting the prison together.  What amazes me as well as shocking to me is the fact that so much time and effort was put into this. While there was clearly more urgent and important task that had to be done, such as looking for survivor or people in need.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

hurricane sandy

During hurricane sandy i was unaffected, unfornately for some they didnt have electricity or water.  I  kept up with the sandy on the news and facebook however.  I believe approximately one third of manhattan was out of electricity and water, trains was flooded and wasnt running for a few days, and when it was up there wasnt any train going out from brooklyn to manhattan. There wasnt any traffic light or street light in the affected areas which was probably very scary for some.  Every gas station or almost every gas station was out of gas till friday or saturday.  I was stuck home for a few day because going out to chinatown or the les was a big hassle. Car service and taxi jacked their prices up and most of them would not leave manhattan because to enter manhattan they needed at least 3 people in the car.  It took me like 20 minutes to find a taxi and when i did, he charged me 20 bucks to cross the bridge only! As for being in the mayors position i dont know what different actions i would have took because i think the mayor did a good job from what i saw in les i dont know about other borough or neighborhood that was affected.  There was traffic cops at all the busy streets.  The national guards and fema was passing out food for the people in need. In my first essay i mentioned that the city is not prepared for a flooding and i believe for the most part i am right, the hurricane did a lot of damage all over nyc and affected many new york residents one way or another.  However looking at it from a different perspective the death count from hurricane sandy and katrina was not even close, i just read there was 41 deaths from a fox5 article. So in some ways nyc is prepared.

Monday, October 22, 2012

in class zeitoun

As the hurricane flooded the city, Zeitioun decided to stay because he loved his city and believed he is of use.  Kathy, his worried wife kept in contact with him daily. She wanted Zeitoun to leave, but he wanted stay in the city where he would be useful.  He could monitor developments and look after their properties. "Zeitoun was invigorated, He had never felt such urgency and purpose" (Eggers 106).  Zeitoun was worried about his rental properties and went to check up on it.  On the way he picked up Frank and saw that there were many people in need of help.  Zeitoun, Frank and with the help of two young men they managed to save a 200 pound woman that was floating in the water while clinging on to a bookshelf and to get her safely aboard the boat.  On just the first day of flooding he was able to help save five elderly residents felt he was needed in the city.

Monday, October 1, 2012

to do list for draft revision

For my draft revision I will have to add more of my own thoughts and opinion. The only information i've used is from the New York Times article, i should be adding more info from different sources.  i dont know what the most challenging about this assignment is but the most challenging about writing essays in general for me is putting everything into place and how to put it into words. I would like to be better at collecting the info and organizing them.  My plan on finishing up this essay is go back and reread chapters of the global warming reader and use what i learned from they say i say

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In this blog I am responding an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change.  In the article "New York is lagging as seas and risks level rise, critics warn" by Mireya Navarro from the New York Times.  New York are moving too slowly to better prepare themselves in case of a flood that could temporarily cause hundreds of thousands of people to be homeless says critics.  According to a 2011 study commissioned by the state 11% of the city streets are in the flood-risk zone.  Preparing the state for a flood costs money, for Con ED to install submersible switches and moving high voltage transformers would cost them $250 million.  The city agencies have taken some steps to minimize flooding around the city, but this project will take time and money. "ConED need $250 million for changes, but can only afford $24 million. $250 million is what, three or four minutes of expenditures in the U.S defense budget? Seem to me national defense is about protecting the country and its citizens from all enemies, foreign or domestic. It appears that climate change is one powerful enemy. TIme to spend the defense budget where it will do the most good." said JM, one of comments posted about this article. I agree with JM because im sure the US government spends billions of dollars to fund a war and $250 million is only a small fraction of that.  Winning a war out there won't make a difference if we can't even take care of ourselves at home.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I was Born in New York and lived here all my life.  Just last week during labor day weekend, there was a volleyball tournament up in Toronto.  Me and my friends decided to drive up to Toronto for the week.  I've been out of state but this was the first time out of the country and it was new to me.  There was a lot of things i had to worry about, i was scared to get lost. Being in this generation i am used to always having a phone next to me and usually don't have to worry about getting lost because of the high tech phones we have, but in Toronto i didn't have a phone with me.  In Toronto the drinking is only 19, i was able to go to clubs and bar without worrying. Also stores charge people 5 cent for a plastic bag! That was very shocking for me.  the government encourage people to bring their own bag, that's what i was told.