Monday, November 12, 2012

Retweeting favorite quote

I am retweeting a post i find interesting from one of my classmates in ENG 101

yep and it was a new prison too and handmade fancy that. 

I find this very interesting because according to Zeitoun the make shift outdoor prison had taken at least 5 to 6 days to make. So a day after the storm had past them, the officials wasted no time putting the prison together.  What amazes me as well as shocking to me is the fact that so much time and effort was put into this. While there was clearly more urgent and important task that had to be done, such as looking for survivor or people in need.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

hurricane sandy

During hurricane sandy i was unaffected, unfornately for some they didnt have electricity or water.  I  kept up with the sandy on the news and facebook however.  I believe approximately one third of manhattan was out of electricity and water, trains was flooded and wasnt running for a few days, and when it was up there wasnt any train going out from brooklyn to manhattan. There wasnt any traffic light or street light in the affected areas which was probably very scary for some.  Every gas station or almost every gas station was out of gas till friday or saturday.  I was stuck home for a few day because going out to chinatown or the les was a big hassle. Car service and taxi jacked their prices up and most of them would not leave manhattan because to enter manhattan they needed at least 3 people in the car.  It took me like 20 minutes to find a taxi and when i did, he charged me 20 bucks to cross the bridge only! As for being in the mayors position i dont know what different actions i would have took because i think the mayor did a good job from what i saw in les i dont know about other borough or neighborhood that was affected.  There was traffic cops at all the busy streets.  The national guards and fema was passing out food for the people in need. In my first essay i mentioned that the city is not prepared for a flooding and i believe for the most part i am right, the hurricane did a lot of damage all over nyc and affected many new york residents one way or another.  However looking at it from a different perspective the death count from hurricane sandy and katrina was not even close, i just read there was 41 deaths from a fox5 article. So in some ways nyc is prepared.